DAY 2005

EROS AMERICA ...................................

EROS DAY 2006: JAN. 21ST

Dr. Susan Block

almost time for Thanatos, the ancient Greek God of Death,
to ascend the throne of America. This is, of course, a throne His Immortal
Ass is already sitting on. But that doesn’t mean it’s not an occasion
to throw the most expensive American Presidential Inauguration
in history, ushering in the second term of one of the most
universally loathed American Presidents the world has known, including
a 4-day, 9-ball, 40 million smacker shindig, with a parade,
fireworks display and, at the Ritz-Carlton, white
chocolate cowboy boots (just white?) to honor our horse-fearing
Cowboy-in-Chief. The 40-mil bill for the bash
is 5 mil more
Ebenezer Bush’s second offer of aid to tsunami victims,
a drop
in the bucket of human waste that is the American War on Iraq. Franklin
D Roosevelt, another "War President" who came from privileged stock,
at least had the
(breeding?) to forego the showy parties when he was re-elected during
WWII. No such restraint for Bush II, the Aw-Shucks White Chocolate
Cowboy Prince of Thanatos.
talks much about Thanatos these days, except the occasional discontented
Freudian. But His presence
is keenly felt. Death is always with us, a
constant companion to Life. But He is most powerful in wartime. According
to the Greeks, Thanatos is the fatherless son of Nyx (Night), twin
brother of Hypnos
a wingéd
young male God who, in Euripides’ Alcestis, coolly reminds Apollo, "I
win greater honor when the victims are young."
course, Thanatos is no more merciful to victims of tsunamis than He
is to victims of
war. Yet there is something about being killed deliberately by our
fellow humans that twists the knife more sharply (at least to those of
us left behind) than death at the tides of nature. And killing fellow
humans is what Bush, our second-term “War President,” prides himself
on. The Shrub is a Lynching Tree, a Burning Bush of Apocalyptic Mass
Destruction, an obedient servant of Thanatos.
will be inaugurated into His place at the very pinnacle of the American
political pantheon,
with pomp and ceremony, bands and some major balls, as the Rape
of Iraq plays on. Many
of the important guests, paying as much as $250,000
(not to mention under-the-table billions) per “inauguration ticket
package,” will be leading Death profiteers, arms dealers and
world-class polluters, sponsors of Dubya’s Christian Crusade and
End-of-the-World Environmental Policies. Fine champagne
will flow,
but Inauguration Ballers are sure to be high on the narcotic of war,
hooked on the endgame logic of death. 
Moral Values: “Speak softly and carry a big stick you can shove up a detainee’s
ass without
calling it torture.”

Death, accompanied by His hot handmaiden Torture, shall reign supreme,
as the Chickenhawk Pussy named Bush and the Dickless Dickhead named
are honored for their crimes, and their devastatingly inept cronies and
lackeys are promoted for their doglike devotion, with deferential Presidential
Consigliere Alberto Torquemada Gonzales ascending to the post of United
States Attorney General. And we
thought old Ayatollah Asscraft was bad! Gonzales became world-famous
when it emerged that he wrote the Torture Memo
essentially greenlighting all the "disgusting" BUSH
Ghraib, Guantànamo and
other American torture chambers. Al appears
be the quiet
type, exemplifying the Moral Values of the New American Hero: “Speak
softly and carry a big stick you can shove up a detainee’s
ass without calling it torture.”
least, he’s come out for abortion rights, sort of. But nobody’s asking
one question on everyone’s minds: Will Gonzales take Asscraft’s
$8000 drapes off the venerable, half-topless Spirit
of Justice?
back to the party. I love a good party, but for George W. Bush to have
a mammoth Mother of All U.S. Presidential Inaugural parties in his
own pseudo-cowboy honor, with the Iraq War, the Asian tsunami aftermath
and American poverty raging all around us, is, in a word, obscene. Unless
you can get yourself a quick Dumb-Me-Down-to-Red-State-Levels lobotomy,
it’s enough to make you sing the Blues all over again, and you know you’ve
been singing that tune since November. SO, what’s a good Blue
Values gal or guy who believes in Faith-Based
Sex to do to counteract the immeasurably
Thanatoxic effects of the Bush Party Blow-Out that’s about to explode
like a mushroom cloud of anthrax-laced bullshit in our nation’s capital
and throughout the virtual court of our 90% sycophantic media?

Dr. Suzy holds an Eros Day Rally with Sara the American
fly the flag of Eros as
high as you can! Yes, indeed Brothers & Sisters, Lovers & Sinners,
it’s time to speak out against the Bad Bush and celebrate the Good
Bush (you know what I’m saying). There are, essentially, three ways
to do this: 1) PRAY, 2) PROTEST and 3) PARTY. But more on the Three
P’s in a minute…
to Eros, who (or which) is, as those discontented Freudians remind
us, the opposite of Thanatos. Since Thanatos is Death,
that means Eros is Life. Yay! It’s good to be on the side of Life.
Then again, it’s not so simple. This isn't one of those black-and-white
between Good and Evil that the Red Staters love to fight. Eros has
an edge. The word is, after all, from the same root as "erotic," so
it has something to do with sex. But we’re not just talking about Valentine sex
here, true love, or procreation, or just lust, porn, or recreational
sex. We’re talking about the primordial sexual energy
that is the essence
of life. Yes, indeed.
Greeks say it best. According to the Theogeny, the Genealogy of the
Gods, written in 800 BCE by Hesiod of Boeoita, Eros was one of the
four great original Creators of the Universe, all of whom emerged from
Chaos. The other three were Gaia, Goddess of the Earth, Uranus, God of
the Sky; and Tartarus, God of the Underworld. The fourth Great Creator
was Eros, God of Life, Love and Sex. Eros blew the Breath of Life into
all beings, even the Gods Themselves. This was what I call The Original
Blow-Job. And this is why, at least mythologically speaking, Eros gets
the clout to counter Thanatos.
later Greek mythology, the Great Creator Eros trades some of His primal
power for something akin to our idea of rock stardom, morphing
into a classical rather naughty teenage heartthrob
with glorious feathered wings, the original sex symbol. The arrows
from his potent quiver never kill you (at least not directly), but
excite your desire. Still,
like many stars, Eros is a trickster. Some people call him a Motherfucker.
And he is. Because, in addition to billions of other lovers, Eros does
occasionally fuck his mother (or at least, they engage in a lot of what
we call foreplay), his mother being Aphrodite (Venus to the Romans),
the supreme Goddess of Love.
father is uncertain, in keeping with his swinging character. It could
have been Zeus, Ares, Hermes or any one of Mama Aphrodite’s many
lovers. It doesn’t matter. Like a bonobo chimpanzee,
Eros is a mama’s boy in love with love and lust. Classical myth has him
fall in love with a human girl named Psyche, who eventually becomes the
Goddess of the
Soul. Their
love story is a timeless tale of passion, jealousy, faith and betrayal,
suffering and redemption. In the happy ending, the child of their union
is named Pleasure. Not quite a savior, but definitely a blessing.
Eros enjoys a Ménage on
Eros Day at Dr. Suzy's Eros Carnavale
became Amor in Rome, and later, Cupid. Nowadays, Cupid is usually portrayed
as a cuddly little angel, or a troop of cuddly little angels,
cute as a Hallmark card and almost utterly drained of the potent sexuality
of the primordial Eros or the erotic appeal of the teenage Eros. But
resisting the reign of Thanatos being inaugurated into our White House,
we need all the Powers of Eros we can get--primordial, erotic and cuddly!
No cynical retorts, now; that’s succumbing to Thanatosis! So, back
the 3 P’s…

all pray. Even atheists pray.
It’s no great virtue to pray.

and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners: Prayer is not the exclusive domain
of the Christian Right. It is not even the domain of religion.
We all pray. Even atheists pray. It’s no great virtue to pray.
The best of us pray, the worst of us pray. It’s human nature, maybe
pre-human (personally, I think bonobos pray).
We all, at times, sit in contemplative silence, or sing
out with a few fellow humans, surrendering
our consciousness to forces we do not understand. We may pray from
a place where we are deeply grateful, or passionately hoping—even
asking--for something for ourselves or for others, or submitting
to the forces
of nature, or marveling at the miracles of life, or stopping and
really thinking about what the hell we’re doing (or not doing)
on Earth, or
just singing those Blue Values Blues. We don’t have to pray in
a House of Worship. We don’t have to pray in a particular direction
or with our hands folded together. We
can pray when we meditate. And, by God and Goddess, we can pray
when we masturbate (or copulate, for
matter). We can pray as we paddle our little boats down the river.
We can pray as we look up at the stars. We can pray as we
watch TV (though some call this “vegging out”). We can certainly
pray as we make love (oh God, oh God, oh baby, oh God!). We can
pray as we mow the lawn. We can pray as we sit in endless bumper-to-bumper
traffic (and a Pocket
in the glove compartment can only help in this case).
back to the Inauguration. You can bet your last rosary (or anal) bead
that they’re going to be doing a LOT of praying there. And most
of them will NOT have the Big Tent definition of “prayer” that I have.
Not at all. They will be praying to the One and Only “Christian God,”
with a little “Judeo-“ thrown in as a prefix to appease certain Semitic
Neo-Cons. They will be praying to Jesus the Bloody Christ as revealed
in the Gospel according to Mel Gibson. Don’t get me wrong; though I was
born and raised Jewish, and I’m now basically an agnostic/tantric/pagan/ethical-hedonist,
I love Jesus (and Jesus Loves My Ass!). But the ketchup-streaked masochist
who virtually exhorts his followers to follow his example and
die painfully for each other portrayed in Mel’s snuff movie is not the
Jesus I love. The only deity in classical mythology that comes close
to Mel’s
level of morbidity is Thanatos. Even Ares takes a break from the
wars to romp in the sack with Aphrodite once in a while. Thanatos,
like Mel’s Christ, like Bush’s legacy, is all about the DEATH.
yes, I plan to pray during Inauguration week. Amen
and Awomen. If
I have to name a God to whom I’ll be praying --which does feel kind
of silly, but everybody’s pushing their patron Gods these days, so
here's mine--Eros.
I want
to reassure my fellow agnostics: this is not quite as loopy as it sounds.
Then again, maybe it’s
even loopier. What I mean is, Eros
is not just some funny Valentine or mythological divinity. Eros is a
planet! More specifically, it is a "planetoid" or large asteroid,
25.3 by 9.1 by 8.8 miles in size, spinning on its own axis.
Coy astronomers say it’s shaped like a banana. I say it’s shaped like
male member
in its happy state. The Planetoid
433 Eros was discovered in 1898
by astronomer Carl Gustav Witt, who, I think, must have seen how this
planetoid was shaped like a curved cock—about
25 miles long (now that's well-hung), and he thought, hey—we’ve
got Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Mars—this
must be
Eros! And so it is. Recently explored by NASA’s NEAR spacecraft, Eros is especially
intriguing to astronomers because, despite its large elliptical orbit around
Sun, it comes closer to the Earth than any other body of comparable size,
except the Moon. Eros is also one of the most elongated planetoids
in our solar system (there’s that delicious banana shape!), the better
to penetrate our hearts. And here’s the relevant clincher: the closest
it comes to Earth each year is right around Inauguration time (January
it’s a good time to pray to Eros. Or is it for Eros? Either
way, we’re talking about peace, love and understanding here, so get
down on
your knees! Whether you’re watching the Inauguration on TV with a barf
bag handy, or completely avoiding it out in some mountainside teepee,
whether you're seriously helping the tsunami victims or unhappily helping
to tear up Iraq, give it a whirl. Offer up an Eros Prayer. Pray for
to?) Eros,
Love, Peace, Understanding, Compassion, Passion, Sex. If you find it
difficult to relax and focus, try using a vibrator.
okay, it doesn’t always have to be about sex. There’s a neat little
movement to make Inauguration Day “Not One Damn Dime” day, asking us
to “boycott all forms of consumer spending” for 24 hours..
This seems like a good way to focus your own personal opposition toward
the American corporations that support this administration. Much as fasting
from food fosters a prayerful heightened awareness of your body as your
temple, fasting from spending can affirm your existence as more than
just another consumer. It also gives you more time for sex (the free

is sexy, if you’re not really dead, but just making a point:

Do It. Especially if you can get your ass over to Pennsylvania Avenue
and 4th Street in DC by 9 am on Inauguration Day. Bring all your
“Sorry, World!” signs, and get your sexy protesting self on the
tube. Or make a different kind of statement, like, get married to your
same-sex lover on Inauguration Day (it’ll be legal again soon enough;
show a little faith)! Teach or attend a sex education class. Wear your
Sucks” T-shirt to work. Show our international community that this
King of the White Chocolate Cowboy Boots does NOT have the “will of
the people at (his) back,”
at least not all the people, and certainly not the cool people, the
Eros people.
of backs, one
intriguing idea is the “Turn Your Back on Bush” protest. These folks
plan to legally infiltrate several different public inaugural gatherings
and, upon a given signal, turn their backs to the proceedings. Being
incorrigible pervert that I am, I’m hoping
that some protestors will turn Turning Your Back on Bush into Mooning
Bush, especially if they have nice buns. If I could make it to that protest,
I’d wear my “Jesus
Loves My Ass” panties, over tights, of course (it’s
January!). Turn End Times into rear-end times. Hallelujah!
there’s the DAWN DIE-IN, "in memory of the dead at the hands of Bush
and his Administration.” Dying is sexy, if you’re not really dead,
just making a point: BUSH
KILLS. One of the die-ers really should act out Mel’s Passion. Bush might
not crucify Jesus (though that first iconic tortured Abu
Ghraib detainee, with his
outstretched, looked pretty Christlike), but he’d certainly
keep him imprisoned indefinitely without any rights. And the torture?
just say it would make an interesting sequel for those who enjoyed the
first Gibsonian Passion.
theme may be Thanatos, but the Spirit of Eros infuses any good protest--the
drama, the costumes, the excitement of marching together, laying your
body on the line, seducing hearts, minds and TV cameras, and the
potent possibility of going home
with that sexy fellow protestor later on... Just
remember the man whose birthday we celebrate around this time, one
of the greatest protesters since Jesus, an American Man of Eros if
there was one: Martin Luther King.

more Thanatos sinks His cold claws into America, the more hotly
political EROS DAY becomes. 
is where we fight fire with fire. Sometimes fireworks. Yes indeed,
Brothers & Sisters,
Party Animals and Blue Angels: This is where we
show ourselves and others that we don’t have to spend 40 million devalued
dollaros to be the Party Masters of the World. This is where we reach
out to one another
to commune, comfort, collaborate and conspire, share
knowledge and desire, information and aphrodisiacs, honoring Eros and
our erotic resistance to
and ninnies who give the Thumbs-Up (a
kind of new Sieg Heil?) to Death, War, Torture, Born Again Censorship,
Abstinence-Only Miseducation, Fleecing the Poor to Soften the Beds of
the Rich, Creationism, Repression,
Oppression, Regression, and did I mention Death?
is where you hold your own Counter-Inaugural Party that celebrates
all your favorite Blue Values that the President’s Party is against
(for examples of Blue Values worth celebrating, please see
column “Blue
Values”). Charge admission and donate the profits to Tsunami Relief,
or Iraqi War Victims, or the ACLU, or Sex Education, or the Bonobos.
If you don’t
feel like throwing a Counter-Inaugural Party, get a friend to do it,
or you may want to come to mine…

Praise Be to the Power & Glory of Eros on EROS

indeed. Come one, come all or just come. Every year at this
time, when the Planetoid 433 EROS is closest to Earth, I celebrate
a holiday called
DAY. Introduced to me five years ago by pioneering
erotic filmmaker Lasse Braun, I knew it was my kind of holiday, a celebration
of love and lust with this intriguing astrophysical aspect. Every
year, around January 22, the Planetoid Eros is at its closest distance
to Earth. Does this mean that this is the time when some kind of astral
sexual energy is closest to us? Perhaps.
course, our complex, neurotic human lives are ruled by far more than
the stars and planetoids. It’s not so simple to just point to a day on
the calendar, and say that this is the day when we’ll all be at our
hottest. But if you believe that the positions of the Sun, Moon
and other heavenly bodies have some influence over the tides and emotions
of the Earth, if you believe in the power of Equinoxes and Solstices,
then you might believe in the power of Eros, strongest when it is closest
us, on
certainly makes as much, if not a little more, sense to expect
the erotic on EROS DAY than to, say, expect “resolution”
on New Year’s Eve, or romance
on Valentine’s Day, a date which commemorates the death of a Christian
saint who believed celibacy was a virtue. Halloween is kind of sexy
because you get to dress up, but it’s really for kids these days. Mardi
Gras is hot, but it’s never caught on outside New Orleans, and Carnavale
is so Brazil.
truly adult holiday celebrates sex as the essence of life, in the fullest,
most unabashed, unapologetic,
orgiastic sense, AND boasts
an astrophysical component? EROS DAY! So, I make a point of celebrating
it every year, usually with a bunch of fellow Ethical Hedonist types,
plenty of
whatever we find erotic (bacchanalian works too) -- an art opening, a
bar, music, dance, fetish, perhaps
a Commedia Erotica performance of the Passion
of Eros & Psyche, perhaps a speech and a striptease. Some
of my EROS DAY celebrations have been more political than others. Actually,
the more Thanatos sinks His cold claws into America, the more hotly political
EROS DAY becomes.
DAY 2005, coming in the wake of the Thanatoxic Bush Inauguration,
will be a Counter-Inaugural Ball
(in every fine sense of that word),
a tribal revival crossed with an orgy crossed with a private peace
rally, a Celebration of Love, Lust & the Blue Values we hold
dear. As my EROS
DAY ’05 co-host, internationally renowned digital
artist Laurence
Gartel (whose
work is in the permanent collections of the Smithsonian Institution's
Museum of American History and the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris),
emailed me, “I never get really
political, but now I just can’t stop myself.”
stop yourself. Not now. Now is the time to release your political art,
prayers, protests and resistance parties, while we’ve still got a few
precious freedoms left. As the Bushies hoist Thanatos
to the top of their pyramid, think of how you
can topple that baby down. Think of how you can honor Eros in your
life. Then take it to the streets (always with nonviolence, darling),
or to the bedroom, or to the EROS
DAY Counter-Inaugurals,
or take it to your webcam. And don’t let the Thanatoxic Brigade
take it away from you.

Counter-Inaugural BALL
January 22, 2005
Write Me ! Send me your tired, your poor, your prayers,
fantasies, hate mail, love letters, commentary, photos, questions
and confessions
at liberties@blockbooks.com.
© January
10, 2005,
Dr. Susan Block
For reprint rights, please contact rox@blockbooks.com
DAY 2005:
Counter-Inaugural BALL" in

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