Speakeasy Gallery On land and sea, small figures of humankind,solitary and in clusters, demonstrate an endlessand irresistible appetite for folly. Faced with the utter failure of our economic, political and spiritual institutions to take any responsibility for their part in the coming collapse, I offer afew heartfelt narratives, where we perform with passion and humor, where we speak the unspeakable, where we struggle against shame and threats…and fuck. Fuck in sunny innocent Impressionist gardens, on stormy seas, or with giant ridiculous surrogate balloons.I don't believe in progress, good taste or the God of Abraham, but I recognize their power as ideas and I have devoted my artistic life to debunking them. They all share a common fear of human sexuality. The spiritually enlightened try to rise above it, the cultured class speak of it in whispers, and the God fearing bludgeon it with fear. I paint a world where those ideas have no power, where Eve takes Adam by the hand and escapes from Eden. She blows God a kiss, moons him and they exit laughing.
Scott Siedman More works coming soon. "At Sea" - oil on canvas, 32"x 38" - $3,500
" Hand to Mouth" - oil on canvas, 36"x 48" - $3,500