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The Essence of Life Flows

Eau de Pee
by Dr. Susan Block
(Continued from previous page)

We all do it, and yet it is something special, secretive, something we almost always do in private. We do it in a closet, in a stall, behind a tree. Some say its just waste. Others long to take a taste.

And what do we call it? "Peeing" sounds childish. "Pissing" is rather crude. "Taking a whiz" is so casual, but "urophilia" and "urolagnia" and even "urination" are so coldly clinical. Kinky terms are more playful: "Golden Showers," "Water Sports," "Wetting," "Sprinkles," "Champagne." One of my own "golden retrievers" likes to call my pee "Chateau Block." I like "Water of Life." It sounds sexy, plus has that biological ring of truth to it.

People have been looking at, touching and drinking urine probably for as long as people have been urinating. Urine has proven healing properties. The yellower your nectar, the more vitamins reside within it. Yogis and other health nuts drink a glass of their own "juice" every morning for that extra vitamin-rich boost. And no less an authority than Madonna has said that peeing on the feet heals athlete's foot.

Some people like to be peed on-either on the face, genitals, other body part, or directly into the mouth. Folks like this may or may not have submissive tendencies, enjoying the humiliation of being "pissed upon" or "forced" to imbibe. Others don't find receiving a golden shower to be degrading in the least; they just enjoy the warmth and intimacy of sharing their lover's living waters. Some like the taboo nature of playing water sports. Some like to watch people pee, others like to pee in front of people, or on people, or into their mouths, or into a flute for them to drink like champagne.

Others just like to pee. Actually, almost everybody likes to pee. Here are some images-amazing, beautiful, outrageous and intimate--of people like us.

Yours, tinkling merrily,
Susan Block, Ph.D.

The Yellow Peril
(A short history of the urination taboo)

by Robert Sterling
(Continued from previous page)

Despite the social silence of frank talk surrounding this basic human, there has long been a secretive history among the gods and intellectuals about urine and its therapeutic properties. For instance, Orion, the great hunter god of Greek mythology, was born from the urine of three gods, hence his name (Orion derives from "urine.") Meanwhile, many books, including the groundbreaking Urine - The Water of Life, persuasively details the often magical qualities that urine has in treating diseases, most notable being psoriasis.

Health benefits aside, there
is another usage for human liquid waste: as a supplement for erotic delights. While sex itself is considered an "unclean" and "dirty" act by traditional Western morality, using the shedding of excess bodily fluids for perverse pleasures has long been one of the most closeted of secrets by many. Fortunately for those with a fetish for urination, we live in a more tolerant and open time for exploration of the subject. The promotion of urine as a elixir of sensuality has gone semi-mainstream courtesy of Penthouse, as Bob Guccione is a full-fledged golden shower lover. Of this trend (and it is a trend, not a fad which will go away) we can only say bravo. Learn to love your body and all the things that come from it. There is no easier way to start on that journey by sitting alone in your bathroom and appreciating your body's excretions. Go ahead, give it a go: we won't stop you!