You Should buy the piece.
From The
August Issue of AVN Online Magazine
- Take an old-but renovated-1920s speakeasy, with a large bar, erotic
art gallery, performance space and TV studio. Add several hundred partygoers
representing the adult industry, the Internet adult community, and various
hangers-on and friends of friends who heard about it during Erotica
LA at the Convention Center around the corner. Mix well and stand back.
That was the
recipe for the CyberStars of the New Millennium party at Dr. Susan Block's
on Hope Street in downtown Los Angeles. While Dr. Block conducted interviews
in her well-lighted bed in the TV studio area, the party was blasting
away with people lined up three deep at the open bar, noshing on finger
foods in the erotic art gallery, and hopping into the elevated bed in
the performance space to be Webcast right next to the two-turntable
DJ setup. Two women jumped at the chance to be in dildo artist Ray Cirino's
outsize cello, one sitting high at the top, one suspended upside-down
at the bottom, both with their backsides poking through holes in the
front, penetrated by ebony-toned dildos connected to the cello strings
that were bowed by concertmaster Cirino as they made beautiful music
The party was
a celebration of Web Power's iFriends.net Internet site, represented
by Ira Weston and his wife Marsha, formally clad in tuxedo and evening
gown, but not out of place among the more-casually-dressed partygoers.
later by e-mail, Dr. Block called the evening "
an exciting
mix of artists and exhibitionists, voyeurs and connoisseurs, porn stars
and professors, cybersexpots and computer technoids-all celebrating,
merrymaking and sharing their talents in art, music, dance, theater,
fashion, conversation and sex. Our CyberStars of the New Millennium
event really illustrated the fusion of the three potent arenas of sex,
art and technology in one spectacular Saturday night."
Rumor has
it that the wait was two hours to get in at one point, but nobody dared
go outside to check. Among those who did get in were Julian St. Jox,
Valentino, Eric Price and Jill Kelly (all cooling their heels in line
with Your Faithful Correspondent on the Hope Street sidewalk before
we got in at 11:15), Mark Zane, Jacklyn Lick, Erotica LA impressario
Ron Miller and galpal Brooke Hunter, Mickey G., Nancy Vee, Amia Moré,
and about 500 other people whose names I didn't get.
--Tod Hunter

Dr. Suzy & Dr. Laura
Face Off in Celebrity Sleuth
Check out
this month's issue of Celebrity Sleuth for "Pair O'Docs,"
uncovering "feuding Ph.D. therapists" Dr. Susan Block and
Dr. Laura Schlessinger in a sensational eight-page spread/review.
Though usually the Sleuth strives to remain neutral, in this particular
doctoral-philosophical duel, the magazine comes out strongly against
Dr. Laura's "strident
cruel and bullying" approach
to sex and relationships, and solidly on the side of Dr. Suzy's "sensual
modern philosophy of Ethical Hedonism and hatred of hypocrisy."
For background on the feud, see Dr.
Suzy's Dr. Laura Diaries.

to Talk?
to my little
1400-page corner of the World Wide Web. Here is where I, with
the help of my webmaster and the rest of the Bonobo Gang
here at the Dr. Susan Block Institute, explore and express human sexuality
in all its glory, danger, fun and foolishness. This is not your
typically dull sex information site, nor your typically tasteless porn
site, nor your typically self-obsessed celebrity site. This site
will touch you where no other site dares to touch you. Here, you
will find a variety of high and lowbrow approaches to the many-splendored
aspects of human sexuality, including philosophical texts, personal
diaries, explicit artworks, raunchy photos, essays on politics,
culture and religion, a radio station where you can hear live and archived
episodes of The Dr. Susan Block Show, psychological surveys, erotic
art galleries, down-to-earth romantic advice, handy sex tips, dirty
jokes, erotic haute couture, fetishwear, kinky paraphernalia, information
on bonobos, vintage erotica, book, film, theater, art and travel reviews,
excerpts from our own books and magazines, behind-the-scenes shots from
our HBO show, stills from our videos, and an eye-opening look into what
really goes on inside the Dr. Susan Block Institute at the voluptuous
Villa Piacere in the Hollywood Hills. At the heart of all of the
wild-and-crazy and supremely sane things that we do here is our philosophy
of Ethical Hedonism: the pursuit and cultivation of life's pleasures,
while trying not to hurt anyone, including ourselves, for the peaceful
betterment of the individual, the couple, the family and society.
We're civic-minded sexualists. We're also equal-opportunity exploiters.
We're pro- black, yellow, brown, red, white and especially pink.
We're pro-evolution and revolution (well, certain revolutions).
We're up against sexual ignorance and the Dr. Laura's and Rush Limbaugh's
of the world. We follow the Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure.
We have fun in the face of madness, tragedy, repression and death.
And we are at your service as you go through our domains. Peruse,
enjoy and download to your heart's content. We update various
parts of the site every day, so check in on us from time to time.
And please, interact with us. Leave us your comments. Call
us if you need help (During the week, we charge for it. On Saturday
nights during the show, we don't), or if you'd like to help us with
what we're doing. Send us your photos and writings. Buy
something from us; that's a great way to interact. I'd really
love to hear from you, but even if I never do, I'm glad to be here with
you now as your adventure begins....
Staff are available for any question or comment 24 hours a day.
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