Adelphia Family Censors


Adelphia Family Censors



Adelphia Censor-in-Thief John J. Rigas taking the "perp walk"

"Censors come in many colors, from the Right, and the Left.
But one thing they all have in common is that they try to
hide the truth from you. Whether it's flesh or finances,
censors don't want you to see it. Thus, it is not surprising
when the biggest censors turn out to be the biggest
fiscal frauds. Censorship is one kind of cover-up,
deceptive accounting is another.
It's all about covering up figures."
from ADELPHIAGATE, a public access show by Dr. Susan Block


From: Carl Rose
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2004 5:22 PM
Subject: RE: RIGAS FOUND GUILTY! The Block Curse Strikes Again!
Dr. Suzy! Thank you for all your wonderful work and activism....

From: Ken Camp
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: RIGAS FOUND GUILTY! The Block Curse Strikes Again!
Dr. Susan: I was so thrilled and happy to learn that these vile, Christian monsters have been convicted! What was most disugsting about them were their claims to being born-again Christians. I have lived long enough and been around enough to know that most Christians are monsters or frauds. I had one hell of a battle with the Adelphia offices in Eagle Rock, California, a few years ago which ended in me picketing their offices and handing out flyers accusing them of being a racketeering organization. One of the reasons for this was their practice of not showing up to disconnect unwanted cable, rescheduling for the following month, and then billing the hapless customer for monthly service they did not want. This is a common procedure at Adelphia, and I believe such corruption begins from "up above." Adelphia blew out my home theatre system, accused me of not returning my cable box, billed me an additional $500 for the box and only let go of me when I complained to "Bogie," the consumer affairs guy who used to be on local CBS. Fortunately my home theatre system was repaired free of charge due to warranties. Since then I have had DirecTV satellite with no problems whatsoever. -- Ken Camp, Los Angeles

From "Gayle"
Date Fri, July 8, 2005 - 4:28 PM
Subject: adelphia
Greetings Susan,
I really enjoyed your story about Adelphia. You are such an entertaining writer. Take care, gayle

From: "James Binder"
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 5:40 PM
Subject: Your Adelphia Story

I don't know if you're really a horny housewife or not but I'm thinking, based on your writings, that you're one hell of lot better person than you let on, (not that there's anything better than a horny housewife). I wish that people like you , and you in particular, would run for Governor of California. If so, that would be my first time politicking for anyone. Your conclusion about what to do with that old bastard was exactly right and shame on the dumb-asses-in-charge for not doing it. I've never seen your show and I'm sort of afraid to since you appear too darn good looking in photos for a horny house husband to take, what
with my arms being long enough and all. Jim Binder Palm Springs, CA

From "Tim Hyde"
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 11:30 AM
Subject: regarding your editorial in counterpunch "My Adelphia Story"
Although we disagree most of the time, on this issue, we are in complete agreement. censorship is bad, simply because it can always turn the other way. What would happen if the corporate giant decided Christian t.v. was bad, and only aired sex shows? I certainly wouldn't be happy as I wouldn't want my children viewing them. Let the cable companies and networks air what they want to air, and let the public decide what networks, stations or satellite systems they will subscribe too. This way, everyone wins. As it comes back to good old fashioned capitalism and supply and demand. If enough subscriptions can be sold to view the "sex" shows, then great! Let them watch porno shows all the way to hell! Howard Stern has proved there is certainly an audience for smut. But not for my family, no thanks. In my household, we subscribe to Sky Angel only and are ensured good, wholesome, Christian programing without being forced to see commercials like the one with Paris Hilton having sex while washing a car and eating a hamburger. You're a good writer, and I enjoy your style. Too bad for you that you're going to hell. But that's your choice. Sincerely, Tim

From: "Erin Myers"
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 10:48 AM
Subject: how I love thee...
My dearest sweat Susan: This is Erin, your White House lawn love partner (should you ever come to visit me here). Always such a delight to read your words. My thoughts of you create a warmth and swelling in my dungarees. Of course, seeing the little pictures you send with show times and event announcements, are always so welcome. It does give me pause to wonder which I love more, that atomic ass and heavenly tits , or the words that flow form your beautiful lips and finger tips. Loved Your Adelphia Story. Your humbled servant and devoted lover.... Erin

From: "Thomas McCullock"
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 10:36 AM
Subject: Adelphia

I have a (very) similar story. We also had Century Communications here in Colo. Springs (home of "Dr" Dobson). I don't remember what it was called before that, but it was locally owned. Century was wonderful. Call customer service, they'd answer on the first ring, and fix whatever problem immediately. Now you wait in voicemail hell for hours, never getting anywhere. In the rare event that you actually get to talk to a human, and they promise to fix the problem with your bill - good luck suckkah! - it never actually happens. Good riddence to Rigas and his gang of thieves. Thomas Mc .com -- "The love of money is the root of the Republican Party." - 1 Timothy 6:10

From: Little Shiva
To: Dr. Susan Block Institute
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 8:16 AM
I forwarded this to the producer of the public access show in which I participate, Z-Axis. Our local station has four rules of censorship they impose: no use of "shit, fuck, or any variation thereof", no female nipples, and no full frontal nudity. Then when they get complaints from viewers about our content, they pester us about it and ask that we not re-run that show with that same content (we don't re-run often, but sometimes old stuff gets used as filler). I recently filmed a guy's button at Charlotte's highly protested (by the religious right) gay pride festival in the park, and zoomed in on a button that said "does this dick in my mouth make me look gay?" The producer of one of the other shows complained about that (we think it was this famously prudish woman) and the cable station director slapped our wrists over it. There's also so much self-censorship going on around here, because of this intense conservative's stifling.

From: Dr. Susan Block
To: Little Shiva
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 8:11 PM
Legally, you have a right to broadcast any of the stuff you list here on public access, no matter how many complaints they get. Their "rules" are illegal, but I imagine that no one has strongly protested them or seriously threatened to sue the station over them. That's how they get away with making "rules" like this. Every time I have been censored on public access, I have brought up the law and threatened to sue, and the censors have backed down. Usually, I have to talk to the lawyers. In the case of Adelphia, Rigas held firm (neither he nor his lawyers even returned my phone calls), and I was just in the process of enlisting the help of the ACLU when he and his sons were arrested, and the whole censorship wall he had imposed collapsed completely, so the ACLU was not necessary. My show went back on the air without censorship, and thus it has remained. Self-censorship is one thing, but as long as you can withstand complaints and wrist-slaps, you have a legal right to show what you want on public access. So-called "indecent" material must be limited to hours after 10 pm and before 6 am. That's the law. It's just a question of whether you and/or your producer are willing and able to fight for your broadcast rights. Because usually, you do have to fight. I've been fighting this stuff for years, and so far (knock on wood) winning.

From: Little Shiva
To: Dr. Susan Block Institute
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 5:25 PM
Subject: winning
Good for you, and thanx for the inspiration. I also forwarded the Adelphia link to Mr. Wrist-Slapper himself, our station manager John Petrie. Wonder if he'll reply.

From: drydoc
To: Dr. Susan Block Institute
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 10:32 AM
Dr. Suzy – Thanks for the Adelphia Story(ies). Having been a victim of the Rigas family for many months it was a pleasure to read your history. As an ordained Christian Minister (U.C.C., albeit not really active now!) I find it especially repugnant when people use my religion to cover their own corrupt activities. I also really enjoyed browsing several of the other “Journal” entries.

From: Penny Antine
To: Dr. Susan Block Institute
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: Too damn hysterical

I read all your links & articles on the Adelphia bust. Applause applause, Suzy - you're terrific. Penny

From: "JohnnyWaco" <>
To: "Dr. Susan Block Institute" <>
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 10:27 AM
Subject: Re:] RIGAS FOUND GUILTY! The Block Curse Strikes Again!
Dr. Susan: I was so thrilled and happy to learn that these vile, Christian monsters have been convicted! What was most disugsting about them were their claims to being born-again Christians. I have lived long enough and been around enough to know that most Christians are monsters or frauds. I had one hell of a battle with the Adelphia offices in Eagle Rock,California, a few years ago which ended in me picketing their offices and handing out flyers accusing them of being a racketeering organization. One of the reasons for this was their practice of not showing up to disconnect unwanted cable, rescheduling for the following month, and then billing the hapless customer for monthly service they did not want. This is a common procedure at Adelphia, and I believe such corruption begins from "up above." Adelphia blew out my home theatre system, accused me of not returning my cable box, billed me an additional $500 for the box and only let go of me when I complained to "Bogie," the consumer affairs guy who used to be on local CBS. Fortunately my home theatre system was repaired free of charge due to warranties. Since then I have had DirecTV satellite with no problems whatsoever. Ken Camp, Los Angeles

From: "JAMES P KOY" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 7:28 PM
Subject: Dr. Suzy, I hope you read the news today!
Congratulations: Rigas has been found GUILTY! Your powers as a Sex Goddess must truly extend beyond the physical!

Subject: Re: Aloha
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 06:13:59 -1000
From: Tracy Cabot <>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
Hi Susan, Love reading about your latest battle with the Rigas family. Victory is sweet.

Subject: go west, clergy man
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 23:19:12 -0400
From: SJCDC <>
suzy, i am so sad to report that for several reasons, i am unable to travel westward in the immediate future. i was so looking forward to meeting you and doing the show. for now, on-air worship will have to do. i do plan to go there in the future and will contact you prior to that. meantime, i'm going to whip my effegy of john rigas. rev bb

Subject: Dr. Susan Block Rigas in Cuffs
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 02:04:13 -0700
From: "Frank Moore" <>
To: "Frank Moore/E-SALON" <fmoore@eroplay.
ah, suzy, among your many talents, you are a great writer! well, shall we continue our winning streak in berkeley? i'm devoting my next three shows on b-tv to the city council's
censorship. i'm playing your interview, the interview with kriss worthington, and the show with andrew poisoner! where i went into the issues very...well...explicitly! i talked to the new editor of THE DAILY PLANET...a fan, who wrote on the censorship. as luck would have it, he just got off the phone with the aclu lawyer who is "hopping mad" about the horrible law!

Subject: Hey Suzy!
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 00:05:46 -0700
From: "John Clark" <>
To: "Susan Block" <>
You haven't missed a beat, I mean the quality of your writing, it's never been better. I'm proud of you. You're back, it seems stronger than ever. And boy, did I worry about you!

Subject: "Rigas in Cuffs"
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2002 09:34:29 -0800
From: "AG Gancarski" <>
To: <>
Dr. Block: A very enjoyable read, and you of course are dead on about the Bush motivation. AG

Subject: praises
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 22:27:23 -0600
From: "mark ostler" <>
To: <>
praises to you susan of eroticum for your endurance to stand fast ,,, all the hell raising that the old sun of hell did to you in harassment and theft the old sunnnn of bi ant guna take it with him to the grave. eros bless you . an rain love to you . an sexual bliss. to all mark ostler

Subject: Re: Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Jimmy Breslin & New Times LA give Dr. Suzy the"Last Laugh" on John J. Rigas & Sons
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2002 13:15:29 -0700
From: Ellen Grosser <>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
Dear Susan: Good for you and yours perservering! Can you believe what garbage the Rigas family is? They make you, me and my dear friend, Xaviera, look like the Daughters of the American Revolution eating watercress sandwiches and crustless white bread! Hi to you and Max. Ellen

Subject: Re: The Last Laugh (on Censor-in-Thief JJ Rigas & sons)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 12:58:45 EDT
Great! Justice has been served! Best to you and Max,
Jennie D.

Subject: Re: Adelphiagate
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 11:34:12 -0700
From: Kristan & Anneli
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
Susan -- You've become a media darling. - Kris

Subject: new times gives dr. suzy "last laugh" on rigases
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2002 16:27:37 -0700
dr. suzy, great article in new times. congratulations and i'm so glad the broader press is helping get the word out about the show. tom zimmerman

Subject: RE: Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Jimmy Breslin & New Times LA all give Dr. Suzy the "Last Laugh" on John J. Rigas & Sons
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 00:19:15 -0400
From: <>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
Hi Susan, It's great to get the last laugh, Susan. I am glad you are back on line in Adelphia territory.

Subject: Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Jimmy Breslin & New Times LA all give Dr. Su...
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2002 10:38:56 EDT
Bravo oh talented lady! The Rigases got what they deserved. They were really nothing but hypocritical, two bit crooks. I was truly happy to see these articles and know that sometimes right does win over scumbags.

Subject: Hilarious!!!!
Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2002 06:55:36 GMT
From: "pastortammy" <>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
Dr. Suzy, I have been laughing myself silly reading your Adelphia adventures since you
started posting them, and the "Block" curse striking again! That moralizing little bastard got what he deserved, ha!
Now that I have high speed cable I am able to watch your shows online, too, wonderful! PT

Subject: New Times gives Dr. Suzy the"Last Laugh" on John J. Rigas & Sons
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2002 11:57:20 +0200
From: xaviera <>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
Hello Susan, great article. Love, Xaviera

Subject: Hi
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 22:32:49 EDT
Susan ... just wanted to congratulate you on being back on the air. You are a very special lady and I know how hard you work and all the effort that goes in behind the scenes. Take Care ! Liz, Artistic Visions

Subject: Rigas/Tartuffe
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2002 10:24:32 -0700
From: Robert Greene <>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
Chère Susan: I have followed a little your travails with the grand Tartuffe Mr. Rigas. It is a delicious story, but totally predictable. All of these moralizing Christians have something to hide, some deep repression that eventually comes out. I bet Mr. Rigas probably has some kind of sexual secret as well, but I won't go into that so early in the morning. One can only get extremely joyful when such types are publicly exposed. I wish it happened more often. Anyway, congratulations!

Subject: Invitation
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 12:00:06 -0700
From: "Tommy Tran" <>
To: <>
Hello Dr. Block, My wife and I want to tell you and Max that you guys are great! We watch
your show on the weekends and we enjoy it so much. We have learned so much by watching your program and tried new things and it has been really great. We were sadden by the fact that you were off the public access channel for a while. As soon as you were back on we were really happy. We support you and Max on what you guys are doing. Please consider having us as your guests. You can reach us at the following address and number. Again keep up the great job! :) Sincerly, Tommy & Kathy Tran

Subject: Re: Wall Street Journal & Jimmy Breslin feature Dr. Suzy on John J. Rigas
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 10:26:15 EDT
Dearest Mistress Doktor Suzy, Thank You, i rejoice in Your triumph over the banal - retentive Adelphites, and i Adore You as fully as ever!! Loving Adoration, philly

Subject: Letter to New Times- LA
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 23:50:41 -0400
From: SJCDC <>
Thank you for the delightful article, The Last Laugh. Dr. Susan Block certainly deserved such satisfaction after being censored by the Rigas crime family. Isn't it funny how so many moral crusaders and family-values types get caught being naughty? The icing on the cake was that they ended up in a bondage scene for all the world to see. I think everyone who truly believes in freedom and justice got a good laugh from that. Rev. Bookburn, Radio Volta

Subject: Re: The Last Laugh (on Censor-in-Thief JJ Rigas & sons)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 22:25:46 EDT
a righteous ass-whipping, concluding with a touch of compassion. perfect.

Subject: Congratulations!
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2002 01:10:13 +0000
From: "Carmine Messina" <>
Dear Dr. Suzy, I read the fine write up about you in the latest New Times. It was good to see you looking so fine n sexy as usual.Your great. I guese it was only just a matter of when, the Adelphia big shots would finally stumble under the wieght of thier own self righteous corruption & greed. Its very good to know that I will be able to see the shows on late night TV again. Now, all I have to do is get a another TV.The last one took a nose dive out the window of my 3rd story apartment. I gotta stop doing that. I`m trying to cut back but such is the nature of the rock n roll temperment...But for now and as always I remain your fan, Love Sincerely & with my Warmest Regards, Carmine

Subject: The Last Laugh (on Censor-in-Thief JJ Rigas & sons)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 17:02:02 -0700
From: "Michael Collins" <>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
WELL DONE, Suzy! Congrats! Yes you did bring me this story first and I thank you for that. There have just been too many things on my plate. I know the Weekly won't want to cover this since we got scooped whcih is my fault but there was nothing I could do about it. Michael

Subject: Re: The Last Laugh (on Censor-in-Thief JJ Rigas & sons)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 19:17:40 EDT
keep the last laughs coming!

Subject: Re: The Last Laugh (on Censor-in-Thief JJ Rigas & sons)
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 16:15:16 -0700
From: Renee Dupont <>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
everytime I read a story about those A-holes I thank God for you. xoxo, Rd

Subject: RE: adelphia piece in new times
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 18:44:44 -0400
To: ("Dr. Susan Block")
Hi and hope you and Max are well. Story is out and online at Peace and Love Michael

Subject: RE: you'll love this one!!!!!!!!!11
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 13:56:55 -0700
From: Traci Isaacs <>
To: "'Dr. Susan Block'" <>
yes, saw the column and was quite impressed. of course no one around here will write
about it, you're only interesting if you live across the country. :)
I'd like to see the ship sink. i have dish network so what do i care.

Subject: Re: you're in Jimmy Breslin's Column
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 03:14:36 -0700
From: "Cumisha Amado" <>
Hi Susan, I read the Jimmy Breslin article. Thank you for the info and for the compliment. I will keep in touch. I am so busy these days. I am waiting for my Miramax Contract to get finalized and I have a booking from Sept. 23rd to 24th for the Oprah Show in Chicago to promote my Life Documentary, my Cuban Movie where I'm the leading role and my new Comic Book for the kids called ("Hope"). I am transitioning from Adult to Main Stream Films. I am going out of town and will call you when I return. Love, Cumisha

Subject: We will see you tonight
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 22:01:28 EDT
Read all the material and was absolutely blown away by the ADELPHIAGATE monologue. As always, you are brilliant, and with a flair for the dramatic un-matched by any other human I've encountered.

Subject: Hurrah for handcuffs
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 01:33:55 EDT
Susan -So glad to see the Wall Street Journal article. I had heard from a publicity woman at HBO that it would be coming out yesterday (the WSJ had called her looking for verification that you went to Yale, and she called me). Great article. The Jimmy Breslin piece was also wonderful. I'm sure you are very pleased....Have you contacted Sheila? I'm sure she'll have an interesting perspective on the Adelphia scandal. Congratulations again on your tv triumph.

Subject: John Rigas and Adelphia: Racketeering Family With Christian Values
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 15:59:06 -0700
From: Ken Camp <>
To: <>
Dear Dr. Susan Block: This is a copy of a letter I just sent to Newsday in response to the Jimmy Breslin commentary on Adelphia:
I read Jimmy Breslin's commentary, "Aroused by the Thrill Of Arrested Censorship" with great interest. Why it was almost a year ago that I told my friends, relatives and co-workers that Adelphia and the Rigas family were racketeers posing as a cable company. I embarked on a letter writing campaign and passed out flyers in front of the Eagle Rock, California Adelphia offices. I learned from people who spoke with me of a system of abuse that Adelphia regularly engaged in. Many of these customers had been trying for months to end their subscription to Adelphia cable. Each time Adelphia would make an appointment and then not show up! Each time Adelphia
would reschedule another appointment almost a month away -- and then not honor their commitment once again. In the meantime, these hapless cable subscribers kept getting billed month after month for service they no longer wanted. This is racketeering and extortion. My own problems with Adelphia began over a year ago when I had no service
for 7 weeks -- all because Adelphia would not honor their commitment and never showed up for their repair appointments as scheduled. Then an Adelphia technician blew out my home theatre system while trying to hook up digital cable. At that point all communications between myself and Adelphia ended: all of my phone calls went nowhere, nobody would speak with me and I was left in limbo with a broken system and a cable service I no longer
wanted. Fortunately, the warranty on my home theatre system repaired the damage for free -- after two visits to the repair shop. And it was after I began subscribing to DirecTV that I finally got Adelphia to remove my cable box and finally end the service. Then a new nightmare began: Adelphia stated that I had not returned the cable box and charged me an additional $500 on top of another bill I had already received for a month and-a-half of
service I had never wanted in the first place. After an intense letter-writing campaign and intervention by "Bogie," a local consumer watchdog entity on CBS, Adelphia finally agreed to end all contact with me and rescinded my bogus bill. I don't understand Bill Rosendahl's loyalty to this disgusting Rigas family; they are Christian fanatics and he is gay. If they had their way he would have been executed years ago. I guess money speaks volumes when dealing with this disgusting racketeering family.

Subject: Re: Wall Street Journal & Jimmy Breslin feature Dr. Suzy on John J. Rigas
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 13:52:31 -0700
From: Terry Gould <>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
It's wonderful how the world seems to be catching up to you. It shouldn't be too long before they catch on to you and I'll see you on LarrybKing. We'll just have to wait until the mainstream, always taking midstream samples, discovers your philosophy coloring their fluid demographic. By the by, you're in my next book in its current draft. It's a huge one about organized crime, and there's a chapter in there about what men are ultimately after when they act unethically. Just finishing it up, so it should be out next year. Random House is the publisher again. Terry

Subject: RE: WSJ
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 13:10:59 -0700
From: "Hofmeister, Sallie" <>
To: "'Dr. Susan Block'" <>
i saw you in the journal and said: ah. i knew her first. in fact, bet they got the idea of calling you from the earlier story in LA Times. Hate to folo the Journal. I'll think if there is a new angle.

Subject: Re: Aroused by th Thrill Of Arrested Censorship
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 22:20:00 EDT
bravo suzy!

Subject: - Once Taboo on Adelphia Outlets, Adult Programs Stage Comeback
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 20:51:24 EDT
From: Dave
Hi Susan, Funny, my mom just called to tell me about that WSJ article on Adelphia. Congratulations on your return to the airwaves. Dave

Subject: Re: Rigas Boys BUSTED
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 06:51:22 -0700
From: Chloe Sjolseth <>

Subject: RE: hi i am a reporter with the wsj and am eager to interview you re your
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 13:58:42 -0400
From: "Beatty, Sally" <>
To: "'Dr. Susan Block'" <>
tx, what is your tel number again?

Subject: RE: hi i am a reporter with the wsj and am eager to interview you re your
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 10:08:09 -0400
From: "Beatty, Sally" <>
To: "'Dr. Susan Block'" <>
thanks its not our typical story so im doing some additional reporting. ill let you know when it runs. meantime, please don't mention to anyone im doing a story as if another media outlet gets their first, it would likely kill our story. tx

Subject: RE: hi i am a reporter with the wsj and am eager to interview you re your
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 13:40:07 -0400
From: "Beatty, Sally" <>
To: "'Dr. Susan Block'" <>
hi can you call me back soonest i have some quick follow up qs i need answered if im going to get this story in the paper. im now on deadline with this for today. please call asap,

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 13:11:12 EDT
Dr. Suzy? yer censored? dymn well, today is your lucky day coz that man u hate, is arrested. he isnt the only one...... =)

Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 09:18:00 -0400
From: Bill Day <>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>

Subject: hi i am a reporter with the wsj and am eager to interview you re your
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 10:38:42 -0400
From: "Beatty, Sally" <>
To: "''" <>
dispute with the rigas family. apparently, adelphia is now going to air adult programming. can you call me soonest?
Sally Beatty Staff Reporter The Wall Street Journal

Subject: Adelphia Cable
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 23:03:15 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Doc:
Thought you might like this news-story: --Your Fan, Jim

Subject: Adelphia Censorship results in their Bankruptcy
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 22:51:15 -0400
From: <>
Hi Susan, Adelphia Censorship results in their Bankruptcy? I hope you got a good laugh today, because I did. Adelphia filed a Chapter 11 this week. How they got away with having a public company guarantee debt of a private company they own is amazing to me. I wish you had nailed them in court ages ago, sueing them for lost profits. By the way, the Greek word for theives is "kleptes", as in cleptomania. That to me is what this all appears to be. They created this "morality" thing to cover up their act. Well, I hope they end up in jail, where they belong.Keep pushing for your rights. By the way, I love your website. Best of luck.Tom Psillas, Pres.,Inc. http://www.check

Subject: Adelphia
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 20:13:55 -0700
From: Chloe Sjolseth <>
My name is Chloe, and my husband and I have been following the Adelphia scandal with great interest. Shortly after we first saw the articles on your web site, we realized that we too had been "taken" by Adelphia. We we first ordered our service, they advertised Playboy and Spice as available, yet after the installation, they were mysteriously missing. No one at Adelphia would tell us anything except "those channels are not available". After reading more about what Adelphia is doing to your show (which we loved to watch before we moved into an Adelphia area).. we were horrified, and cancelled our cable service a couple of days later. Since that time, Adelphia has continued to screw us over. First by telling us, that we could not mail our cable boxes back in to them, but had to either: ) wait all day at home (we did TWICE, they were no shows both days.. and my husband and I both work, this was quite an annoyance). b) drive over 80 miles one way to drop them off in person. Since that time, they have billed us for the 3 cable boxes. Today, there was an Adelphia employee on the premises, and we tried to give the boxes to them. They stated they would drop by when they were finished with their current job. Once again, no show. These people are complete ripoffs! I can 100% believe that they cook their books, considering how they treat their customers. Adelphia has denied those of us STUCK in their service area even the most basic rights to choose what we wish to view,
and I WANT THE DR SUSAN BLOCK SHOW! May they rot in prison, assuming they survive the lynching from all the crazed viewers who are tired of being abused. Chloe Sjolseth BeyondIRC, the SEX FRIENDLY IRC Network

Subject: Parks & Adelphia
Date: Sun, 05 May 2002 11:39:39 +1000
From: John <>
G'day from ' Down Under'! Loved your expose's on the hypocritical 'mothers' at the LAPD and Adelphia - keep it up...AND open & accessible! John Victoria, Australia

Subject: Censorship, Schmensorship!
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 23:48:41 -0400
From: "Gary Brookens" <>
What are you crying about? At least someone like John Rigas has the guts to stand up against trash when he sees it! That is, IF Adelphia is "censoring" your show like you claim. Don't you people realize that there is way more to life than your genitals? Sex is only a part of it! Why do you have to focus on that as if it is an end in itself? Sex is only a part of a happily married couples life. You are really missing out if you can't find more to life than that. And you call yourself artists, and your garbage art? Come on! Call it what it is! Trash! It's not healthy or wholesome. Would you want your little kids to be taught what you display on your tv show? But when someone with a little bit of morals tries to take a stand, you cry foul! Enough is enough! Have you ever thought that maybe Hollywood needs to censored? You think you can just put on whatever smut your dirty little mind can concoct. Well, start putting on the reins, baby! It's time to bridle yourself, and I don't mean that in the sick kind of way you're used to! There is such a thing as class, and tact, and good taste! Took a good look at what you're doing and the kind of good people you call your enemies! Maybe, just maybe, you are on the wrong side. I certainly don't want your kind of trash show on my TV. I would cancel all of my Adelphia services if they did show it! And I would be willing to bet that many millions more would follow suit!Go on ahead with your anti-Adelphia campaign! At least they are standing up for what is good and right and decent. Susan, stop displaying yourself and your guests to the world, and open up your heart to Jesus.He is the only one who can heal the hurts you are hiding inside. Be willing to face the truth, especially about yourself, and let the Almighty, Holy, Loving, Forgiving God reveal Himself to you! You need to know that you and your partners are being prayed for! The enemy has you right where he wants you. Don't let him win!!!

Subject: Founders May Be Ousted at Adelphia
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 11:47:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Don (EroticAlien aka polybi)
I think you'll like this...tell me when the victory party is!(LOL) Don EroticAlien:
Founders May Be Ousted at Adelphia

Subject: Re: [Fwd: Adelphia]
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 10:46:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Fred Sherman <>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
The quote looks great. With regards to small claims, I haven't found any other option. The ACLU seems concerned but has seemingly more pressing issues to deal with. They would be one entity to bring a major legal action. As another option, I also contacted Paul Cambria, who's supposed to be the most famous first amendment attorney who I think represented Larry Flint. He agreed it was a wonderful and important case, but said it would take $100,000 to fight it. It would be great to get the Playboy Foundation or a similar Larry Flint entity to fund the defense, but short or that, I don't see what could be done. That's what brings me to small claims.

Subject: Re: [Fwd: Adelphia]
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 03:15:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: Fred Sherman <>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
Janeane Garofalo, Seth Green, Adam Carolla & Jimmy Kimmel, Kid Rock, Korn, Blink 182, Kathy Griffin, Corey Feldman, David Arquette, Poison, Sarah Silverman, Cypress Hill Fred

Subjec Re: Adelphia
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 21:36:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Fred Sherman <>
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
Hello. By the way, I'm from Philadelphia and went to Germantown Academy! I'm checking with some lawyers on the specific angles and laws for a small claims action. I think the ACLU would give us a amicus(?) brief for the court as well, supporting our postion. I think it may be a great way to force the issue, especially if they must prove the material obscene. Also, I don't think they can avoid a small claims action and it's hard to postpone or avoid. If it happens, we can really milk the publicity, even a press conference on the courthouse steps and other dramatic things. Here's a quote for you: "The Adelphia situation is outrageous. Adelphia lawyers in upstate Pennsylvania are determining the community standards for West Hollywood and other cities in Southern California. Adelphia is censoring Colin's Sleazy Friends and is refusing to air past episodes, episodes that have already run numerous times on Adelphia systems, without complaint. These
same shows continue to air on other major cable systems like AT&T and Time-Warner throughout Los Angeles and without complaint.
Additionally, the fact that Adelphia has removed Spice and The Playboy Channel from all it's systems across the country while continuing to produce, promote and profit from violent wrestling pay-per-view events
marketed towards children and young people confirms the Rigas family and Adelphia have some serious issues about sexuality but seem happy to profit from violence." F
red Sherman - Producer

Subject: Adelphia
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 01:19:22 -0700
From: Fred Sherman <>
Hello it's Fred from Colin's Sleazy Friends. Another key thing about Rigas and Adelphia is that they continue to co-produce, promote and profit from hard-core, violent wrestling
pay-per-view events. Did you catch their holiday classic "Massacre on 34th Street"? Targeted specifically at kids, this stuff strikes me as a lot more harmful than some sexual talk. My opinion is that they only understand money. We need to pursue the City people more in hopes of somehow endangering their franchise. That seems like the only leverage we have. Also could we take Adelphia to court ourselves, in small claims court to make them prove the material obscene? Fred Sherman Producer Colin's Sleazy Friends

Subject: he can do that
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 15:46:09 -0000
From: "palazn" <>
To: <>
I get Redondo Beach Adelphia, and I have never seen your show listed. being that the city of Redondo Beach censors the cable system, which is Adelphia. first amedment rights, what is obscenity, is baesd on the local morial standards. the only thing the federal government considers obscene in child pornogorphy. obscenity is not protected by the first amendment. hate to say it , but the owner of Adelphia is free to do what ever he wants to do with his station. Adelphia is privatley owned it is not publicly supported.

Subject: When you were offline...(via HumanClick)
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 04:17:48 -0-500
From: "ken" <>

To: "max" <>
I'm very disappointed that adelphia cable has censor your show. I hope that something can be done about this. Thank you for you time.

Subject: Adelphia
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 09:42:26 -0400
From: "Blazin' Tommy D." <>
To: <>
It's not only Adelphia, it's CATV in general. C-band dishes are probably the only real alternative but even here the deal's the same - are you a plutocratic decadent? If so then you're okay you pass the check point and may proceed. In other words if a person is a nonconforming individualist they become immediately suspect by the Nazis (GOP and conservative democratics). They are stopped and detained with out probable cause and deprived of liberty without due process of law. In order to survive as subjects of the fascist government the suspect must then prove no character, that what they do is merely a show, the more Vegas the better. The whole things an angle, a competitive advantage in order to collect money. See, this is what I look like out of costume, wearing my crucifix, but in order to effectively collect money I have to dress and carry on in a manner unavailable to the masses, tell the media how great it is to be rich and live in America. I had a drug problem (I could pay for them) but now I'm clean (I have no money, the fascists own me now) So pay your dues and become part of the establishment. It has nothing to do with law, it's Richard M. Nixon's "our way of life". But Richard M. Nixon is dead. Precisely, so why keep his way of life alive, Christ isn't enough? I used to like to come home from practice and watch WNEW 5, because I could see what was happening in NYC while living upstate. This was replaced by the world according to Rupert Murdoch and now Time Warner; but the Christian Nazi Bastard NetworkWPIX is still carried . This allows upstate Nazis to paint reality for their subjects facilitated by isolating them from the
rest of the world. The small dishes you're showing are part of that as they're limited to the sort of programming I've just described. Sexual liberation is undoubtedly the most effective means to assist people in discovering reality, unfortunately, it's mostly done in the Hollywood rock star template - the GOP ticket to ride - and not directed towards liberation of the masses. This is why Bush and other geek dicks of his kind are allowing it. This would be a nice place to end, yet I'm compelled to say, that even in the sense of material that appears as being directed to the masses, the Statists (as opposed to popular sovereigns) have this countered by making all of it look like trash or else mainstream leisure wear. The solution is by utilizing characters from a new social reality - that's right, new wave porn - and knowing the law better than the fascists do. That way the public
will eventually realize that they're not using loopholes in the law, or that the law is created by act of divine intervention, the public will realize they've become subjects of fascism. And they'll be pissed. BTD copyright unpublished 2001

Subject: When you were offline...(via HumanClick)
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 13:17:54 -0-500
From: "Blazin' Tommy D." <>
To: "max" <>
Your letter to Rigas is too long, he'll die before he gets to the end of it.So what's this Dr, Laura? She was a go with the flow Nixon pseudo hippie sex enthusiast and then became an Ashcroft republican? When I stop lossing money in the stock market I'm going to buy a membership I told your guy about this part of the woods I'm in the Binghamton, New York area - NW of this guy?

Subject: Re: John Rigas article
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 14:03:33 -0700
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
Hi: Good news. After months of editing hell and other delays. Adelphia is finally scheduled to appear on page 1 tomorrow. (The far left column). I wanted to check this quote. I took some of it from your letter and another from the interview: ``This old-fashioned moralist from small-town Pennsylvania is trying to dictate programming to open-minded Angelenos and is flouting the rules of public access,'' said Dr. Susan Block....a Yale-educated sexologist. That okay?? Thanks for much for your help and your patience. The story has been cut a lot but I think still makes the points...and gets the ACLU stuff in there, if not some of the complaints by specific customers. Cheers, Sallie

Subject: Re: John Rigas article
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 11:01:28 -0800
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
This editing has been endless on the piece. I'm hoping it will get in the paper this week. I'll let you know when I know. Thanks for your interest.

Subject: When you were offline...(via HumanClick)
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 04:04:22 -0-500
From: "alicia" <>
To: "max" <>
Dear Max and Susan, I e-mailed you last week regarding adelphia cable not carrying the Dr. Susan Block show anymore. Well i tuned in tonite and once again no show. You might want to get in touch with them to find out what the hell is going on. I tried to and I cannot get a straight answer out of them. They gave me the number to public access and public access did return my call once when I was not home and they have not called again. Please get the show back on asr me and my boyfriend, bad english I know, love the show and looked forward to it every Saturday night. Another show we enjoyed and they took off the air is the Sundaay night show Enslaved Souls, can't these tight asses handle good clean S&M. Please help.Sincerely, Alicia and Mark

Subject: Re: tapes
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 15:20:10 -0800
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
got them and enjoyed them. loved democratic sex. funny. called the woman who stoppped paying her bill.
thanks again...sallie

Subject: Re: [Fwd: adelphia censorship]
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 13:06:53 -0800
To: "Dr. Susan Block" <>
Thanks for the info so promptly. Has your show been named ``Sex Theater'' since 1992??? Are you Yale or Harvard? Look forward to seeing the tapes.

Subject: Dear Dr.Susan,
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 21:59:56 -0800 (PST)
Hello,my on line name is Lakritze.I am very pleased to be writing you.I used to watch your cable access show between 96 and 98 when I was able to receive it.I loved it.Witty,smart and sexy.I a sorry you are now having to deal with these censorship control freaks.Well they swallowed up another cable company.I learned the other day that Comcast cable in
Simi Valley is now Adelphia.I was never able to receive your show in Comcast (fortunately I have a video tape of some of your old shows)Now that we have Adelphia,I'll be able to see your broadcast on public access.Censored of course.There is irony there somewhere. haha.Well,I just wrote you to say,keep up the good fight and I totally support you. .lakritze

Subject: A petition
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 12:41:10 -0800 (PST)
From: polybi <>
Dear Max and Dr. Suzy: As you know I have been following your fight with Adelphia. I will be adding this to my website, but I wanted you to take a look at and tell me what you
think. Pleasures, Don(eroticAlien/polybi) Dear Friends, I have just read and signed the online petition: "Adelphia-Save Susan Block!" hosted on the web by, the free online petition service, at: I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider. signing yourself.Best wishes, Don Paschal

Subject: Adelphia
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 7:57 AM
I am trying to get the City of West Hollywood to NOT renew it's franchise with Adelphia. Bear in mind that the West Hollywood City Council has virtually no authority over Adelphia Cable and they are obligated under law to renew their franchise. However if there is a large protest, they have something to fight back with. .

Subject: When you were offline...(via HumanClick)
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 02:42:58 -0-500
From: "Tony Ketcham" <>
To: "max" <>
Dear Max & Suzy, It was a pleasure speaking to you. So that you may better remember me, I called on thursday night at about 10:15pm. I spoke with max. I am an actor(the guy that spoke about his Sopranos audition)I must appologize for calling uninvited, and I completely uderstand that Dr.block did't want to admit to a stranger who she was. I also would like to say again that I have enjoyed your show the times that I have been lucky enough to catch it. I haven't been in a healthy enough long term relationship in quite a while, so I haven't gotten past the initial "thrilled to be having sex with you" part of the relationship, so that I would be able to use much of the "how to enhance your long term sexual relationship" advice that is the bulk of your show. None the less, it is a very enjoyable show that stimulates the mind as well as the labido:-D If there is any way to see your show I would love to have access to a taping andmaybe bring a date. I hope that it is not out of line to ask. I gave my Ph #s to Max, I look forward to hearing from you in the future. Your Friend and Fan, TONY KETCHAM

Subject: Thank you for taking on Adelphia...
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 20:41:45 -0800
From: "Timothy McCormick" <>
To: <>
Dear Doctor. I have noticed that one by one all the shows on the public access station that contained adult content have vanished since Adelphia took over the cable network in Santa Monica. I am a strong believer in free expression and your show has a much of a right to be aired over the public access network as any bible thumping show that Adelphia seems to favor. Adelphia has made other changes which indicate what they intend to do in the future. Not only have they illegally censored the public access airwaves but they have dropped channels like "Spice" which are dedicated to adult entertainment. This type of censorship is of a devious nature and goes mostly unnoticed. If left unchecked, who knows what they may do next with the cable systems nationwide that the public has entrusted to this right wing reactionary company. They are more interested in what they want the public to watch rather than carry channels and shows on a wide range of topics to provide entertainment for all their paying customers. They must be stopped.
I am going to write to the Santa Monica City Counsel with the hope that they will remove this intruder from our community, let alone our homes, before Adelphia can do any more damage. Please keep up the pressure, it is because of people like you that the Constitution still lives 200 years later. Thank you again.Tim McCormick, Santa Monica

Subject: Thanks.
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 10:37:34 -0700
From: Joseph Kramer <>
Dr. Susan Block, Thanks for the effort and content of your communication to Rigas.
Joseph Kramer

Related Articles

The Wall Street Journal features Dr. Suzy, having won her censorship battle with the handcuffed Rigas Boys. To read Sally Beatty's WSJ article, click here.

Pulitzer Prize--Winning Commentator Jimmy Breslin writes about Dr. Suzy's victory over the Rigas Family Censors. To read Breslin's nationally syndicated column, "Aroused by th Thrill Of Arrested Censorship," click here.

New Times LA gives Dr. Suzy "The Last Laugh" on Rigas Censors-in-Thief at Adelphia. To read Michael Gougis' "Last Laugh," click here. Ha ha, hee heee, we're on laughing gas! This Rigas-in-Cuffs drama is giving Block Stock quite a bounce...

Counterpunch, "America's Best Political Newsletter," publishes some of Dr. Suzy's writings on Adelphia and other subjects. For "Block Curse Strikes Again: Adelphia Going Down (Rigas Boys Caught Masturbating their Figures)," click here. For "Rigas in Cuffs," click here.

For more on ADELPHIAGATE, click here. For the adelphiagate transcript, click here. Beware of those who are holier than thou, for often they are fleecers of their own flock

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