In da Hood

Dr. Suzy Opens Her Show
in a Hood, flanked by Republican Dildos Rummy & Bush
Dr. Susan Block
Saturday night, I opened my show in a hood. No, I’m not a detainee,
enemy combatant, prisoner of war, prisoner of love, nor even (despite the
rumors) Saddam’s
sex therapist. So, why did I wear a hood? Because these
are hooded times. We as a nation have been hoodwinked by hoodlums. All
around the world, our brothers and sisters in and out of American uniform
have been putting human beings in hoods. This is Bush’s War, Perma-War, War
in tha Hood, every hood and village and city block. These are the Hoods
of War.
A hood
is a mask over the face of humanity. A hood covers up the truth. A
hood is a bag, a War-on-Terror twist on the rude old saying, “Just put
a bag
then you can
anything to her (or him)." A hood is one of the simplest, cheapest, most
efficient sensory deprivation systems known to sadistic civilization. No
wonder we
use them on prisoners.
of us
also use them on ourselves. Americans have had our own heads up our
hoods, especially as concerns Bush's War. We hide
in our hoods and hope for the best. A hood can
make you feel safe. Of course, it's
an illusion; wearing a hood makes you anything but safe! But
many of us prefer the illusion of protection to the awareness of painful
reality. News of Bush's
lies wreaking death and destruction
barely penetrated the consciousness of many Americans; our hoods were
so securely wrapped around
our heads.
The Photos were released: Vivid excerpts from “Bush’s
POW Porn,” a multi-billion dollar production, showing Americans torturing
naked prisoners in hoods! The sheer naked hooded horror operated on Americans
like Shock
& Awe was supposed to operate on the Iraqis, zapping our collective
psyches, burning our own hoods right off our heads--at least temporarily--letting
us see
with our own naked eyes that we are up to our hoods in war. Now our
eyes smart with the truth.
a stinging revelation. Even many members of the American Press, who had
been behaving like hooded lapdogs to our own Mad King George II, are beginning
to see
and talk
and write
about the
real, unvarnished
horrors of his horrid little war.
But it's
hard to keep your hood off in times like these. Now our Senators and military
leaders say that
some of the latest Photos are too horrible for us to see. They are trying
hoods back on our heads, “protecting” us from reality, depriving us
of our senses of sight, hearing, feeling and the
common sense we need to pull ourselves together and put a stop
to this
hooded madness.

Private Lynndie stars
in "Boys in the Hoods" .. Photo
censored by U.S. Media Meanwhile,
on the Fashion Front,
thanks to The Photos, the Hooded Look is fast becoming a style statement:
Girls in tha Hoods. Supermodels in tha Hoods! Rock Stars in
hoods. Straight Hood. Gay Hood. Hooded games. Hood
therapy. Hooded Protests, too. In a sign of discontent over Bush's War,
several hooded mannequins were
trains in Rome's metro system. The Hooding of America--and
the World!--is hot. Very edgy. Paris runways beckon.
Of course,
the hood I wore Saturday night was just your basic old pillowcase. But
can you imagine a silk Gucci Hood? A sheer Chanel hood emblazoned with
logos? A Victoria Secret Hood of lace with sweet little bows on the corners?
A pure white hood (um, maybe not, too Ku Klux Klan). A
black leather hood (actually, hardcore deprivation fetishists have been
those for years). How about an i-hood that wires you up to your favorite
music, movies and video games?
The U.S.
military uses what look like garbage bags for hoods, sometimes with
the garbage
still in them. Or sand bags, the better to grind your humanity into granules.

"Abuse" by Guy Colwell being moved out of the
Capobianco Gallery in San Francisco after Gallery Owner Lori Haigh was
physically assaulted over it.
what I call the Water Hood, also known as "water boarding'
or the "water cure," where interrogators shove
a prisoner's head in a barrel of water and make him think
he's drowning. Actually, he is drowning; they just save him from
death at the last second (if all goes well).
there's what I call the
Full-Body Hood, also known as a sleeping bag. Interrogators at a detention
center run by the
Armored Cavalry,
Carson, Colorado stuffed senior Iraqi officer, Maj. Gen. Abed Hamed
Mowhoush head first into a sleeping bag, then kicked and rolled him around
while attempting to question him. By the time they removed the man, he
was dead. Dead in tha Hood.
I know,
it’s awful! But, everything awful becomes fashion. Then it becomes
fetish. The hood thing has already become one of my fetishes (can't you
tell?). I confess: Since I saw The Photos, I've fantasized
about hoods.
I decided to "roleplay" my fantasies when I opened the show in
a hood. But after a couple of minutes, I took
it off.
I mean, I couldn’t breathe!
But what do I expect? It’s torture. It’s not supposed to be comfortable,
is it?
not. Guess I’m too much of a hedonist for serious hood torture, and
too much of an ethical hedonist to see any kind of nonconsensual
torture of helpless prisoners as what Rush Limbaugh calls “having a
good time.” Ha, ha, ha. Let's put Rush in the Hood, deprive him of
his drugs, as well as sleep, food and clothes, then make him stand
on a box and let a dog bite his quivering ass, and see how much of
"a good time" he has.
a sex therapist, I find the "good time" excuse to be particularly
disturbing. Unlike "abuse," in the world
of consensual sex, "torture" is
not always a bad thing. In fact, a little bit of torture--pranking
on your lover,
tickling their sense of reality, pinching ‘til it hurts so good--is spicy.
Spice is good. But like too much spice spoils the
meat, too much torture, well, it kills you… or maims you.
And that is what we have to stop.
The Photos
of American soldiers grinning proudly as they
torture their hooded captives blew our See-No-Evil-Hear-No-Evil-Speak-No-Evil
hoods right off
our heads. These Photos
are a gift, an awful opportunity for us to see what we already know in
hearts, that Bush's "Preemptive" War is
one gigantic atrocity, causing its participants at every level of the military
food chain to commit little atrocities, and some big ones (like massacring
half the people at a wedding party).
But everything
new becomes old after a while. Now that the Shock & Awe of The Photos
is wearing off, some
of us--too
many--are slipping back into our hoods again.
are hooded times. Terrorized times. But it's times like these that demand
that we resist allowing our leaders to put these goddamn hoods
on us. Or
it's just
time we pull
the hoods off our own heads, so we can get a good look at the humanity
in each other’s eyes. 
© May
31, 2004, Dr.
Susan Block
For reprint rights, please contact rox@blockbooks.com
Dr. Susan Block is a sex educator, cultural commentator, host of The Dr.
Susan Block Show and author of The 10 Commandments of Pleasure.
Visit her website at http://www.drsusanblock.com
all hate mail, love letters, commentary, questions and confessions to her
at liberties@blockbooks.com.
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in tha Hood" in

