March 20.1997 Villa Piacere 4:o4 Los Angeles , California
Villa Piacere sits on a shaky hillside in L.A. Sometimes the house moves with the rythem of the earth's faults beneath us. I'm drunk and stoned, and I've worked a good 16 hours today, the pace never stops. My work is sex, it has been for the past 25 years.
I'm thrilled that I have evolved. I'm thrilled I'm not my parents, I'm thrilled that I had nothing to do with the killing and mayhem they taught us.
How strange, this is my first experience with computers.
Well. This Saturday, we are going to have the GREAT Annie Sprinkle.....Dr.Suzy's special guest . A program dedicated to the biblical story of Eshter, see Susan's story in the editorial section.
March 22.1997, Villa Piacere, 4:33 PM, Los Angeles, California
Went to see Annie's performance last night. She's come a long way since we all lived together at Villa Genesi, in San Felice Circeo, Italy. Did I like the show. I did, it was great. Do I like my friend Annie? Sort of.
Here is a woman I have a lot of respect for, a friend who's works' I published years ago, outragious stuff that no one else would touch, and she still refers to me as if I was some kind of porn businessman. She has almost no recollection of the work we did together, or the influence that our work together had on all of us.
She must have forgotten all the hours, days, months, and years that we
struggled together to create some alternatives to porn. She also often forgets why I went to jail.
Dear Annie, The performance was great ( and will get better), but most of all I was relieved that you defended porn and didn't become a turncoat.
I might add something I didn't like. Your punching scene, not for the scene, but because you related it to S/M. Please excuse me, but S/M didn't hurt your friend, stupidity did, when you punch someone like that, you might hurt them.
While on dislikes, let me add that as a poineer sex puiblisher I object to anyone who says porn is tough. Try being a cop, fireman, military person, waitress, or just driving a car. Life is dangerious and tough, the idustry is part of life. Perhaps you think bankers reak less havoc on people's lives, or stock brokers ? ( just think of people jumping out windows).
What's perhaps really tough and sordid is the lure of Hollywood, and what it has done to hundreds of thousands of young men and women. Suicide, drugs, and worse. The porn industry is immaculate compared to Hollywood.
I hate to hear people in the sex business call the porn industry tough and sleazy, give me a break! They've done more to help the advancement of women then most organizations, support groups or corporations. God that kind of statement burns my butt.
When we make statements like that we play into the hands of the people who would burn us at the stake. There may be some victems of porn, car accidents, airplane crashes and the like, but like all victems we are victems of ourselves. There are always victems in social evolution, let's not victimize them further by our own actions in life.
The show was great, beyond great. Anyone that is interested in our culture, history, and the basis of our neurosis should not miss this show. It's playing at Highways performance Space in Santa Monica. Call for time and dates and check out Annie's website @ or to listen to Suzy's interview with Annie go to our radio show pages.
March 24.1997, Villa Piacere, Los Angeles california 5:PM
Well, the Annie show was a treat, she even remembered that we had worked together. The audience was full of luminaries. Brenda Venus ( Henry Miller's last mistress), Shara Jane Hamilton, Roy Karch, Kiss, and lot's of other beautiful women and some handsome men.
My favorite was the after show party, when Dr. Suzy strapped on a huge dildo, and used it on Kiss ( you gotta get that video tape, hot stuff deluxe).
Our new Real Audio is up and running so now thousands of people a week can listen to the show. The miricle of technology, radio on our computers. I used to dream of a system like that when I was doing pirate radio in Italy 15 years ago. The best time to listen is late at night when the networks are not so busy.
Along with Real Audio we can now broadcast Real Video, so in the next few weeks we are going to start experimenting. Lot's of new things, so keep your mouse pointed our way.
One more thing. Even though the show is broadcast live every Saturday, if you check in every once in a while you will be able to hear live broadcasts at odd times. We are in the process of building a small broadcast studio right here on our desk.
One last note: Shame on Columbia Pictures for keeping Larry Flynt away from the oscars, and shame on you Gloria Steinam for exploiting the women's movement for your own personal needs.
March 25.1997 Villa Piacere, Los Angeles, California 4:34PM
Did our first radio broadcast last night on real audio, what a thrill....what a technology. Now if we can just keep the government out of our hair. They seem to fuck up every thing they do, except stealing us blind.
April 7,1997. Villa Piacere, Los Angeles, California, 1:37AM
Condition of the author: Drunk, Stoned and very high. Seeing lights in the sky.
I feel like the local nigger on the block. I live in the ghetto section of Steve Case City. It's one of the most advanced cities in the world, a model for the present, the future and the past. It has what every city in history has had,
people! Cities have people, and people have needs and desires. Those desires are not governed by any government, not even the most repressive. Our economic drives, are driven by our sexual needs. Don't let anyone ever tell you different.
It has the forces of freedom, and forces of repression. It has no live plants, just digatel plants jerking off on the screeen. It has the histiory of the world, the city has anything anyone could want.
I live in a virtual city, community, hamlet, village of 8 million, a man by the name of Steve Case is our Fueherer. He does not allow any of us to talk about sex, in a sex positive way. He supports the Clan, the bigots, the murders of this country. He also supports and invests in the technology of sex education, done only in in a city approved manner, Steve Case....approved.....
In the barbarian days, he would be pillerd.They would come to the castle, rush the guards, ( security in these days ), and drag him the tongue, by his balls. He does not balance our culture. He oppresses millions of people in the city.
If you swear in the streets, if you fuck in public, using the ancient weapons of the pen, then you will be banished, thrown out of the city.What a shame.... what a murderer of culture...........How dare you oppresse nature's instincts?
Have you no culture, or are you just a new nigger on the block? Are you a boat person? Did you just come out of Southern Italy? You're just an asshole, a parsite.
Poor man you are, scared. You talk about family, but you have more pornography on you site than the Vatican. I'm tired of you. I'm going to take a rest from you. How dare you try to kick me out of my city.
These diaries are not edited: The author has just arrived from the old country, and has not yet been able to capture true English. He is intoxicated on legal and illagal drug. The aurthor further refuses to go through treatment.
Please Excuse My Ignorance
If we could fuck forever,
Hold hands on a bridge, dip our fingers in water,
Dip our dicks in the spring.
We then would have heaven, we'd have pie,
and apples in the sky.
Docile dicks, hungry tigers make my life.
I'm going to bed................