Dr. Susan Block's Ratings
Each site we link, we rate based on the following information:
What does a 1-10 scale mean?
1-3: Well, improvements are needed - very much so. If this is a commercial site, either the services offered are not up to par, or the site design is simply shitty. If it is a non-commercial site, then expect very little satisfication.

4-6: Sites in this range are simply average. Either they are well presented, but are "dead". Meaning, they haven't been updated in a long time. Or, they offer products/services that can be widely found on the net. Sites with this rating can be considered "good", or "not bad" at best.

7-9: Very nice. Good presentation, good products/services, or simply a cool place to hang out. These sites are well organized and deserve a visit.

10: Revolutionary. Far beyond the standards of cyberspace.

Look for Dr. Susan Block's Award of Excellence.
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