Every year, around January 20-25, the Planet Eros is at its closest distance to the Earth. Does this mean that this is the time when the Erotic Force, the Spirit of Sex is closest to us? Perhaps.
Of course, our complex, neurotic human lives are ruled by far more than just the stars in the sky. Its not so simple to just point to a day on the calendar, and say that this is the day when well all be at our horniest. But if you believe that the positions of the Sun, Moon and other heavenly bodies have some influence over the tides and emotions of the Earth, then you might believe, as I do, in the power of Eros, strongest when it is closest to us, on Eros Day.
It certainly makes more sense to expect the erotic on Eros Day than to, say, expect excitement on New Years Eve, an arbitrary date on the calendar, or to expect romance on Valentines Day, a date which commemorates the death of a Christian saint who believed in the virtue of celibacy. Halloween is kind of sexy because you get to dress up, but its really for kids these days. Mardi Gras is sensual, but its never caught on outside New Orleans, and Carnaval seems stuck in Brazil.
So, what is a truly adult holiday that celebrates sex in the fullest, most unabashed, unapologetic, orgiastic sense? Eros Day! Moreover, this is no bullpucky arbitrary holiday. Something scientifically real is happening on Eros Day. The planet Eros is nearest to us, its energy strongest...
EROS DAY: the movie Another Sexual Revelation from BlockFilms SEE THE EROS DAY STREAMING VIDEO
Call Martha Stewart to help you cultivate the begonias in your garden. Call us to help you to cultivate the Eros in your life. Call 310.474.5353 or, for more information, click to Sex Therapy |