magine. Imagine walking down the sidewalk and seeing on a poster nude bodies melting into one another, floating into one another in a soft sea of passions unlimited, cock trees growing out of cunt pots, tit eyes laughing gently as the navel is sucking the whole universe off. You wonder why the
cops, or some feminist moralist, or some born-again right-to-suffer TV watcher hasn't long ago ripped down this offense to the moral order.You look more closely at the liquid moving bodies, and dancing letters are squeezed out from the twisting forms. You make out that you are invited tonight to "The Museum of Love-Making," whatever that is. Must be some performance art shit. You have gone to performances that promise to be about sex, to be passionately erotic, but when you got there, pale faces in black tights talked in mono-drones about isolation, about fathers' hidden lustings after two-year-olds of both sexes ... with nudity, human touching, sweating passion never even in sight, let alone explicit. But this poster again
arouses hope. In the back of your mind, there is another handout saying "For Madmen Only."Imagine. Imagine standing in front of a multi-colored curtain in a gallery, standing, waiting, standing with people who, like yourself, do not know what to expect. You hear classical music playing softly somewhere. Now three nudes, fully brightly soft body-painted, appear from the curtain. They chant instructions: "No talking, stay on this side of the rope, but you can walk to any point in the observing area at any time."
Now you are being ushered by the nudes behind the curtain of taboos. You find yourself holding onto a plush red rope. This rope runs around the entire large room. In front of you, behind the rope, a couple sits on a mat in warm soft light. They are kissing, not dramatic, but like they have been
kissing each other for years.You read the card pinned to the rope: "Mary and Roger Smith have been married for fifteen years. Both are teachers. They have two children."
Only now you realize that they are an older couple, that Mary is unzipping his pants to rub his limp wrinkled cock. They are giggling like kids watching cartoons. You try to look away uncomfortable, seeing something too private. But as you look around the room, you see couples, maybe a triad or
two, on mats making love. You look back to Roger and Mary, her panties are now off. He is fingering her pink lips' greying blonde hair. You can see right up her into darkness. Still no dramatics, no contest of performance, just warm sex pleasure of years of love-making.You move on, coming to Gil, a lawyer, and Henry, a househusband ... a couple of eight years. Gill is slowly moving back and forth in Henry's butt. Henry makes loud dramatic sighs. Meanwhile, an old woman sucks off her young black lover of three years. On another mat, two sweating nudes eat deep from each other's sweet pussies. Across the room, you see a hanging woman moaning orgasms as her husband of eight years whips her lovingly with a cat-of-nine-tails. A beautiful Chinese woman puts her spastic mate deep within her. The sounds, the human smells of sex and sweat, the sight of all of these real moving touching playing fucking in their own love relationships creates an overwhelming alternative reality which reclaims sex in all its forms as a direct expression of life and love.
This is the performance I am planning to do. Although I have used nudity and eroticism in my work, I have never before used actual sex. The time is right to do so. Magically and politically, this performance will send a powerful message. The fundamentalists, whether feminist or Christian or
political, have attacked sex with smokescreens of violent, abusive, exploitative sex. They say they are not against sex itself, just... This performance will expose this as a baldface lie.I am looking for all types of loving couples (triads, whatever) to be in this piece. All races and ages are welcome. I first plan to stage it in the Bay Area, but then across the country. So I will need couples in each city.
We have some arbitrary frameworks. A couple has to have been together committed for at least a year. Each person has to be 18 or older. There is no money involved. Interested couples should write me a letter describing your relationship and telling why you want to be a part of this magical explicit
performance. My address is:
Frank Moore
PO Box 11445
Berkeley, CA 94712
I also need women for other performances.-- In Freedom, Frank --