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Maximillian R. Lobkowicz
Family Values - CHEAP! 50% Off!
She’s the best you can have, no matter what you are doing right now. Sitting on your couch, lying in bed, catching a word or two as you drive, slouched on a park bench, keeping warm in your cardboard box, or just sitting in your castle while your feet get massaged. She, of course, is a magazine; better yet, a journal, a private journal with no bounds. She is an “Ethical Hedonist”, always ready for your pleasure. She is also my wife, my darling girl, and together with our renegade editors and writers, we’re going on a little trip. We’re going to drive home to heartland of our souls, we’re going to bare all. In other words, we are going to have fun and change the cityscape around us. We are the final revolution, our own personal revelation. We’re going to shake you like the final earthquake, tear it all down and start all over again. I’ve lived in LA for over 25 years, it’s in my blood, it’s in my brain and in my crotch. LA is my slut, jaded, faded, hated, but she is vibrant, alive and always in need of love. I’ve given her much love over the years. I’ve published papers for her, been involved in her politics, been held in bondage by her, fucked by her, but I’ve sniffed her panties, I know all about her. I love her deeply. So, once again, I want to seduce her. I can never get enough. I want to hold her in my arms and whisper to her in public so everyone can hear me. This is my new baby girl. Let me tell you about
her. This Journal is like nothing else you have ever read. Even if you’ve
read my other works (see bottom of the front page}. This Journal is
about our lives together. Even if we don’t know each other, we live
together. If you drive a car, I choke on your exhaust. I’m caught in
your violence, I’m trapped on our streets, I’m seduced by our dreams.
We are neighbors, we have one life together, and I want to be a part
of it. I want to talk to you. I want you to talk to me. I want to learn
more, and give you all I can. "Some of us Steal for Food & Drugs, Most of Us Steal for Better Homes & Gardens"Now you might not agree, you may laugh, you may get outraged, you might just take these pieces of paper and throw them in the garbage (though I must admit I killed a lot of trees to bring you this paper, so please at least recycle it), or you might just write me off as an asshole. That’s fine too, but here we go.
And you, dear friend, might be one of their lackies. They have you frightened, locked in your homes, sitting by your windows looking for blacks and Mexicans on your corner. Gun in hand, you sit there, protecting your VCR. They call it neighborhood watch, brainwashing, brain farting, or community destruction by white folks against white folks. Fear and violence pervade our media culture. It keeps you at home, shaking in front of your television sets, newspapers, movies. The question is not whether we are all nuts, but how nuts we are. They’ve done a good job on all of us, they’ve got us cornered, and they are turning all of us into criminals. Some of us steal for food and drugs, most of us steal for better homes and gardens, VCRs, vacations, power and dire desire. It’s all very simple. Fear is the growth industry. Someone steals from you, you steal from the insurance company, the insurance company steals from me. Hey, neighbor, there’s a better way! There are better answers, and over the years, we will discuss them until they be-come a better way to live, with pleasure and love, tolerance and understanding. This journal is after your soul, and after the false prophet’s ass. We’re going to be down at City Hall, in Sacramento, in Washington, and we are going to bring you their heads on a platter. We are eating contaminated food, and choking on it. Let’s start with this concept: Repeal most laws, break up the city, shut down public schools and start over again. Bring back prostitution, gambling, trade schools, reading and writing (remember reading and writing?), bring back the rich in all communities, open more clubs, get laid more, bring back communities, responsibility, freedom to pursue happiness, pas-sion, addiction, intellectuality. Let our people go! Let us be free to do the things we have to do without government interference in every aspect of our lives. Let’s start by being more creative, wilder. Let’s walk in a city that is safe, with a balance of power for everyone. Let’s bring back tolerance. Let’s stop calling each other names and understand our frailties and our strengths. Let’s get rid of the human waste heap we’ve creat-ed. Let’s return to a respect for life, love, sex. Let’s embrace our neighbors. Let’s not put children on trial anymore. Let’s not execute our fellow men. Let’s have a bit of vision. Let us be friends again.
We have to change this in our lives, because it makes us sick. We have chosen the path of ignorance instead of knowledge. Our children can’t read, many can’t think, because we purposefully and willfully deceived our children. We have lied to them about the truths of life. Now we have embarked on a danger-ous crusade
to desexualize them. We are entering a new age of infantilism. Children
must remain children until they grow up. Then suddenly, like a miracle,
they are adults and know nothing about the true values and realities
of the world. What a pity, what a crime. No wonder we have such mayhem.
"The Repression of Sex and the Fairy Tale Explanation of it in Our Society, Constitutes a Crime at the Highest Levels of Our Society.In this journal, we discuss true family values. Values that teach a true partner-ship between men and women, an economic system that includes everyone, an educational foundation that explains reality and not just fairy tales. The family values of today are worth fifty cents on the dollar; they are halftruths. They don’t include the realities of our lives.
This Journal is about sex, sex and more sex. This Journal is about the effects of sexual misinformation on our society, our family values, our politics and our culture in general. We have to bury the old family values that some still tout as if they are the answer. They are not. They are cheap, shoddy, misleading and harmful, not only to minors, but to adults as well. Let’s find a new way to a more healthy, happy and peaceful life. Sex, is one of the answers, it frees you as it heals you. If you disagree, come forward. We’ll come to your universities, churches, civic groups, schools, gang meetings, board meetings, prayer meetings. But first, you come to us. Send us your ideas, your values, your fantasies and obsessions. We’ll not only consider them, we’ll publish them! We need you to be part of our Journal. We need you to be part of our life. Write to Max.